Tuesday, May 7, 2013

May 7,2012

I am grateful that life happens and that mine has been so full and busy that I haven't had the opportunity to write down things I'm grateful for. in a nutshell, I am grateful that my family is embarking on a fitness journey together - most nights, you can find all four of us at the CrossFit gym - most times, Mak watches, but she will also practice handstands or various gymnastics/tumbling skills after the workout is completed. Reese always wants to be involved and doing the same things we are and doesn't understand that she is too little to be lifting. she swings on the rings and practices other gymnastics moves. Donnie is doing awesome - he's leaned out and has gained strength. and I have too. this has been a wonderful experience.

Donnie and I just completed our 3rd Bloomsday together. while I wasn't entirely pleased with my time because I didn't meet my goal, I am proud that I PR'd the event. and next year, I'll get my goal.

took Reese to hike Badger Mountain yesterday - she did great! good thing I'm a strong mama-girl though bc I ended up carrying her on my back for probably a quarter mile thru one of the steepest areas of our hike up. she was a trooper though and we finished the evening by playing on the swings for a while and then grabbing ice cream (for Reese lol) for dessert. it was a perfect evening.

we have lots of events planned - it will be a busy summer! this coming weekend, we are going to support some of our CrossFit athletes at a competition in Spokane. next Friday, Mak, Donnie and I are running the Glow Run 5k - it's a night run and that should be exciting and fun. the following weekend, I'm running a half marathon. the weekend after that, we are going to Spokane for a wedding. we'll be home the next weekend. the weekend after that, it's back to Spokane for a show, home the following weekend - and that takes us to the end of June...and another half marathon.  Donnie and I are doing the Camp Patriot 5k on July 4th, then I'm running the Columbia River night moves marathon on 7/6. the entire family will lace up for the run or dye 5k the very next weekend. and the following weekend (7/19 & 20), I'm running the Ragnar Relay with my friend, Lisa. I'll get a nice two weekends at home and then on 8/11, I'm running a half marathon in Bend, OR. and then 6 weeks later, I'm flying to Ottawa and running my very first international half marathon with my girl, Tracey. super excited about that. guess I'm telling you all this to say if you check in and don't find me, I'll probably be somewhere running. so grateful that I am healthy enough and have the support of my family to log all these miles :) I am blessed.