Tuesday, July 31, 2012


today, I am grateful for an extra day with my sister and my boys; for a yummy lunch; for a safe drive to Seattle; that my sister and boys made their flight; and for the generosity and love of D. 

Monday, July 30, 2012


today, I am grateful that all the laundry is washed, dried, folded and partially put away; for a mall trip with the teenagers, my sister and littlest sweetheart; for a relaxing, enjoyable day with my sister where we talked or sat in comfortable silence - I SO wish we lived closer to each other; for a cool groupon deal that saved 50 percent off the purchase price (Zorn girls scored today! first Reese, then mommy...woot!); and for being able to go to plan B when plan A didn't execute as planned. 

Sunday, July 29, 2012


today, I am grateful for alka seltzer, water, and a cool rv; for a safe trip. back to Kennewick; for well-mannered and well-behaved children - mine and guests - that pitch in to help get vehicles unloaded, laundry sorted and folded and put away and dinner prepared; for an amazing weekend with family and great friends; and for my bed which already feels much more comfy than the air mattress in the tent. life is good :)

Saturday, July 28, 2012


today, I am grateful for another gorgeous day on the water; for Reese being kind to a beautiful, autistic girl and trying to befriend her; for a text from my daddy comparing numbers; for the love of a pet by a little boy; and for a friend that understands and gets me. 

Friday, July 27, 2012

7/26 and 7/27/2012

two grateful posts - for yesterday, I am grateful for finding an outdated sales price that was honoured; for being able to have the means to prepare for a weekend camping trip with my family; for a safe drive to the camp site; for the use of van courtesy of my mother-in-law and for Katie's awe and amazement at the beauty of the desert. for today, I am grateful that the sprinklers didn't cause all of our things to be wet; for a run with my nephew (yay!!); for a beautiful day; for the experience of seeing a herd of mountain goats; for being able experience this weekend with family and great friends.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


today, I'm grateful to remember just a few short years ago when interrupted sleep was the norm; for the snooze button; for a short work day; for an amazing surprise and for the thoughtfulness and planning it took to pull it off.  thanks to everyone involved - love you. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


today, I am grateful for a good performance appraisal; for my admin saving me the last two York peppermint patty mini candies; for being able to bring my girls lunch; for D's kindness and big heart and for Reese "babysitting" me. 

Monday, July 23, 2012


today I am grateful for sleep; for a quick taxi ride to the airport; for getting thru security without a lot of waiting; for safe flights back to WA; and for seeing my babies...I missed them!

Sunday, July 22, 2012


today I am grateful for not sleeping thru my alarm; for the "big" hill at mile 5.5 not being so big; that I'm smart enough to realize with the humidity and heat that I need to slow down so I don't do myself harm; for D going to the start line with us and running the minithon; and that we were able to be at the finish line when Melissa crossed - with both hands up in the air and a big smile on her face - so glad I was able to experience this with her!

Saturday, July 21, 2012


today, I am grateful for an accidental walking tour of the city; for taxi cab rides; for beautiful architecture; for first experiences; for a wonderful Italian dinner to carb-load. 

Friday, July 20, 2012


today, I am grateful for sweet Reese loves while waiting at the airport; for smooth flights; for people watching; for a good dinner and for laughs with Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter :) 

Thursday, July 19, 2012


today, I am grateful for good genes and people thinking I'm in my 20s; for an appreciation luncheon; for my trainer still working with me even though we've tapered the frequency; for a good meeting with my purple people; and for D and Dean getting the most of the wood floor complete in the dining room. 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


grateful today that even though I didn't get a check in email from my trainer, that I learned from her and was able to continue to apply what I've learned these last few weeks; that I'm getting results!; for being called to serve and being selected as a flex team mentor for winter season - woot! and that tomorrow is my Friday...Chicago, here we come!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


grateful today for bad moods - because it makes me re-evaluate and appreciate; for my sister and D holding my hand and understanding exactly where I was coming from; for a difficult, hot afternoon run; for a relaxing bath; and for my family - because they are my world. 

Monday, July 16, 2012


grateful for D cooking; for Reese's infectious laughter; that she is a girly-girl that loves everything sparkle and bling; that when I say that to her, she giggles and says "thanks mom" so sweetly; for the off the wall, crazy stuff Mak says that makes us laugh. 

Sunday, July 15, 2012


today, I am grateful to be able to take a hot shower at my mother-in-law's house; for snuggles with my baby girl; for fun clothes shopping with her; for national ice cream day and sharing treats with my loves; and for Reese offering to sleep with me to protect me because SHE isn't scared of thunderstorms. 

Saturday, July 14, 2012


today I am grateful for the girls kinda helping me straighten the house; for another fun day on the river; for being able to share those fun moments with my girls in the hopes that they remember and are able to share with their children one day; that Reese and Mak have such a good relationship; and for warm water - cause when I don't have it, I sure miss it. 

Friday, July 13, 2012


today, I am grateful that Mak will have a two week rest from tumbling; that D got his arm checked out; that even though the store cancelled my credit card for inactivity and they made me reapply, that I was able to save almost half on the clothes I bought; that I have made a great friend; and for girl snuggles. 

Thursday, July 12, 2012


grateful today for friends and acquaintances that share what THEY are grateful for; that my co-worker played taxi for me today so that I could get my car fixed; that Mak has such a good relationship with her grandma Christy; for snuggles with Reese; for the quirky things she says ("um, mom? I gotta tell ya somethin' and don't hit me like I'm a crazy person, but, you look like a boy cause your hair's all short, ya know." hmph - little stinker!)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


grateful today for officemates that are caring; for being a protective mama bear over people I care about; that D's arm doesn't appear to be broken; that Mak and Reese fight to sleep with me; for an evening with friends on the river. 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


today I am grateful for the big heart and support of a local business owner; for a good workout with D; for a manager that is amazing; for playing hookie; for a fun afternoon with family and friends. 

Monday, July 9, 2012


today, I am grateful for so many things - that I have a kind, sensitive heart; that I believe in something bigger and more powerful than me; that for everything and every season, there is a purpose in Heaven; that one day, we'll meet our loved ones again; that I live a rich and fulfilled life; that my children and my family are healthy and happy and all with minor health issues or ailments (you know, like a hurt finger, or having to learn to eat differently); that I've crossed paths with many people that I wouldn't have met as a result of the purple nation; that my husband humours me and has assumed the role of my gym partner; that he is self-sufficient and is an adept do it yourselfer; that he is super daddy for Mak and Reese; that they are spoiled beyond measure; that I have an abundance of friends that each fill a different need for me and all of my friends are important; that my body is strong and capable and I can use it to raise awareness for a cause I am so passionate about. I'm just grateful. thank you, Lord, for blessing me. 

Sunday, July 8, 2012


today, I'm grateful that my God is an awesome God; for Reese's excitement at learning how to blow a bubble; for the end of the season get together with the TNT tri-team; that even though my family segregated themselves from the rest of the group at the get together and pissed me off, that they are healthy and alive to be here to do that instead of the alternative; and for my new favourite indulgence - Epsom salt baths. 

Saturday, July 7, 2012


today, I am grateful to witness a beautiful sunrise; for a great run with one of the mamas from the local chapter of Moms RUN This Town; for air conditioning on a super hot day; for the girls being able to swim at a friend's and for movie night. 

Friday, July 6, 2012


grateful that I quit smoking and don't have a desire to go back; for the indulgence of a pedicure; for an online community of running mamas and other fitness enthusiasts that offer suggestions and support; for my friends that are inspired by my very simple acts of gratefulness and that have started making their own list of things they are grateful for daily whether they publicly post them or not; for date night with D. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012


today, I am grateful for having a job, even though I fussed about having to go in this morning; for being able to get quite a bit accomplished; for a coworker telling me that what I do to raise awareness and $$ for LLS is not self-serving and reminding me to be grateful to serve; for hearing my sister's voice and receiving information that helps provide clarity; for a good phone conversation with my daddy. 

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


today, I am grateful for the sweet sounds of my girls laughing together; for new recipes; for a bbq with the fam; for quiet time to read; for s'mores. 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


today, I'm grateful to have been able to catch up with a friend that I haven't talked to in a while; for the ability to research and figure out best path forward for my fitness and health; for the unwavering support of my trainer; for a hard workout; and for D making dinner. 

Monday, July 2, 2012


today, I am grateful for the opportunity to apply to mentor for the winter season; for new routines and foods; for people in my life that inspire me and touch my heart; for upcoming summer activities and for funny conversations with Mak. 

Sunday, July 1, 2012


today, I am grateful for a safe home and comfortable bed; for being able to go to church and to exercise my religious freedom; for the grace of our Heavenly Father and His love; for a healthy family and having our needs met; for D and I making a commitment to join the church...together.