Saturday, June 30, 2012


grateful for D going to the grocery store; for him cooking; for sleeping in; for a lazy Saturday and for shopping time with my mother-in-law and Mak. 


grateful for a peer believing in me and taking a chance on my ability; for exciting possibilities; for girl talk; for an evening with friends; for drinks on the deck at sunset. beautiful. 

Thursday, June 28, 2012


grateful to witness a gorgeous sunrise; for the unique beauty of the desert; that somehow, I always have exactly what I need; for my neighbour for letting Reese play while I ran an errand and that my FL family and friends are safe.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


today, I am grateful for exciting possibilities; for Mak and Reese doing their best to get chores done; for D for helping them stay on track; for Mak being excited about tumbling; and for sore muscles. 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


today, I am grateful for the opportunity to learn; for a good workout; for being able to see Tawny; for crockpot chicken; and that my FL family and friends are safe. 

Monday, June 25, 2012


today, I am grateful for my daddy's words; for fun pictures which is evidence of what a great run I had; for a safe trip back to Kennewick; for Reese's singing; and for my family being back together after a long weekend apart. 

Sunday, June 24, 2012


grateful today for sleeping in; breakfast out; a nice walk to the market; intuition and angelic protection; and a long warm epsom salt soak.

Saturday, June 23, 2012


grateful today for ability; for encouragement and support; for love; for amazing friends; for wonderful family. 

Friday, June 22, 2012


grateful today for a rainy morning run with the gymnastics team; for Reese belting out tunes; for my southern heritage and country roots; for inspiration and for the power of the purple!

Thursday, June 21, 2012


today, I am grateful for my sister; for my daddy; for everyone that supports me in my running endeavors and believes in me; for beautiful memories and for my mama. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


grateful today for songs that make me smile; for a visit to Dairy Queen with Mak and Reese; for the sweet sound of my girls's laughter; for their beautiful happiness; and for being needed to French braid their hair. 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


today, I am grateful for the sound of no tv; for open windows and cool breezes; for the sound of crickets chirping; for unbelievably amazing friends that lift me up whenever and as often as I need and always show unwavering support; and for my trainer. 

Monday, June 18, 2012


today, I am grateful for healthy children; age appropriate behaviours;  for exciting opportunities for my nephew; for all my purple people and for the blessings I have received having been a part of team. 

Sunday, June 17, 2012


today, I am grateful for how blessed my family is; for a wakeup call from my sweet daddy; for the amazing man that he is; for everything he taught and instilled in me; and for D, for exhibiting the same qualities for our children. 

Saturday, June 16, 2012


today, I am grateful for an ugly run; for D and his friend, Brad, and their hard work; for a beautiful new living room floor; for new friends; for a fun evening. 

Friday, June 15, 2012


today I am grateful for a fun diversion at work; for a quick phone call with my daddy; for D getting started on the new floor; for the weekend; and for my comfy bed. 

Thursday, June 14, 2012


today, I am grateful for sinus headache medicine; for lunch provided by work; for being able to leave early; for talks with Mak; and for a good dinner with the fam. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


today, I am grateful for healthy food; for clean drinking water; for the ability to exercise; for massages; and for surprises - even though I really hate secrets. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


today, I am grateful for Donnie continuing research and running around trying to figure out flooring options; for Mak being a good big sister and watching after Reese; for hearing my girls sing and laugh together; that my sister, Katie, Mak and I started our reading plans and are able to share this experience - even if it is remotely; for planning fun activities. 

Monday, June 11, 2012


today, I am grateful for a busy day; for Mak getting her chores done; for D researching new flooring; that I found Cassie quickly after she got out of the yard; for a good Badger hike with Leisha. 

Sunday, June 10, 2012


today I am grateful that I could take my niece to church with us; that I have learned enough to create a clean eating meal plan for myself for this week; that I have the total support of my trainer; for my children; and for D taking time out of his day to mow the lawn. the things he does for our family are so appreciated. 

Saturday, June 9, 2012


grateful today for achieving my goal this season; for a hard sleep; for having Skye visit; for dinner at a friend's and for family time.

Friday, June 8, 2012


today I am grateful for a quiet morning alone; for being able to treat Reese on her last day of school; for alternative treatment therapies for my aching body; for a nice visit with Leisha; for shopping with the fam. 

Thursday, June 7, 2012


grateful today for conversations with Reese... Reese: mama, how does Jesus make the rain fall from the sky? me: idk honey, why do you pray and ask Him? Reese: will he pray back and answer me?  for a follow up appt indicating no broken bones for Reese as a result of her falling off her scooter on Friday; for a week of rest; for dinner with the visiting out of town family; and for the blessing of witnessing a double rainbow. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


grateful today to be able to watch my children grow; for freedom; for laughter; for butterflies; and for dreams. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


today I am grateful for a conversation with a coworker that is training for the same marathon I am that validated the thoughts and feelings I've been having and confirms this is normal taper stuff; for an email from a customer thanking me for my professionalism and support; for extra time with Reese; for the yearbook staff at D's school recognizing what a great teacher he is and dedicating the yearbook to him; for Mak's feisty spirit; and for simple pleasures like watching baby kitties play. 

Monday, June 4, 2012


today, I am grateful for my manager; for standing in the rain to meet Reese at her bus; for technology; for new fur-babies; and for D administering a shot to me even though he hates needles and it made him turn green.

Sunday, June 3, 2012


today, I am grateful for snuggling with my big girl; sleeping in; for a man that loves me enough to go to church and other activities, just because they are important to me; that he sets an example for his daughters of the kind of man they will someday seek that exhibits similar characteristics; and that he is a big softee. 

Saturday, June 2, 2012


today, I am grateful for a redeeming run in the rain; to be able to attend the Ki-be graduation and support John in his accomplishment; the be able to celebrate Alissa's birthday with Mak and Reese; to be able to celebrate Lisha's birthday with D, the girls and D's friends; and for a stretch with the yoga block that helps my muscles release. 

Friday, June 1, 2012


today, I am grateful to be able to spend the day with Reese; for snuggling on the couch; for watching her shows; for an afternoon nap and for dinner out with the fam.