Thursday, May 31, 2012
today, I am grateful that Reese got ready without a lot of fuss and we were able to get out the door on time; that I was able to have lunch with Katie and catch up; that Donnie made it home safely; that Mandi's mom brought Mak home from cheer; and for snuggle time with Reese.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
today, I'm grateful for friends that lift me up when I'm struggling; for results that hopefully provides answers; for a regimen that is reducing inflammation and pain; for a massage and some additional relief; for snuggle time with my beautiful girls.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
today, I am grateful to return to my normal schedule; for hot yoga in the mornings; for busy day at work; a good training session with Ally; and for my on-call nurse.
Monday, May 28, 2012
today, I am grateful for the men and women that have given the ultimate sacrifice for our great nation; I am grateful for freedom; for the privilege of reading my Bible; for my ability to choose my religious preferences and for my belief in our Heavenly Father.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
today, I am grateful for Tracey reminding me what an amazing accomplishment running a marathon is and helping to pull my perfectionist self off the ceiling; for learning something in church; for the ability to donate to a little 6 year old BMX rider who is raising money for the LLS; for snuggling with Reese; and for a telephone call with Mak.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
today, I am grateful for the beautiful day for a long run; for Shannon for talking me thru my mini meltdown; for ice baths; for singing in the shower with Reese; and for her infectious, bubbly laugh.
Friday, May 25, 2012
today, I am grateful for a day of rest; for the sound of silence; for being able to catch up on some reading; for D taking care of keeping the yard looking good; and for a delicious cheat meal at Olive Garden that will help fuel my long run in the morning.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
grateful for the time we had with Sadie; for Alicia for consoling me when I found her and for helping me bury her; for Melissa for noticing the development of the muscles in my upper body; for being able to watch Mak perform in her choir concert; and for my awesome daddy...the first man I loved, my first hero, the man I think hung the moon and the stars and whom every other man is measured against - happy birthday!
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
today, I am grateful for every experience that has made me who I am today; for an excruciating, intense, painful freaking massage that provided some relief; for the sensitive, kind, protective nature of my daughters; for finally breaking the 9 week plateau; and for a 5 day weekend!
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
grateful today for Megan; for phone calls with my sister; emails with Tracey; snuggle time with Reese and rainbows.
Monday, May 21, 2012
today, I am grateful for laughter; for Mak and Reese for helping; for routine; for a quick dinner; for an hour to veg.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
grateful today for sleeping late; for going to church with D and the girls; for a Sunday lunch out; for an afternoon nap and for D helping prepare our food for the week.
grateful for a beautiful day; for running for a cause bigger than me; for D's support and understanding as I train; for Mak and Reese helping around the house; for a fun evening with the family.
Friday, May 18, 2012
today I am grateful that Reese found the perfume that smells like me and she wanted to wear it too; for the funny things she says like describing Mak's walk as the "butt wiggle"; that Reese has had such a good childcare provider the last 4 years and she loves her; for Donnie for rolling out my legs with the stick (all you runners should know what I'm talking about); for Mak finally getting her chores done...and for her blunt honesty when I asked her why she waited so long to get things done...that she's just like me. true story.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
today, I am grateful for the nice compliment from a co-worker; that I was able to treat my big girl to a large chocolate shake, at her request, to help her feel better; for time with D to catch up bc this week has been crazy busy; for Ally rolling out my sore muscles; for hearing Mak singing along with the radio, in the shower along. makes me smile.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
today, I am grateful for people in my life that let me know I have influenced them in a positive way; for positive reinforcement; for fitting into smaller jeans (woot!); for having the ability to run "just" 3 miles; for awesome relationships with the coaching staff at Mak's and Reese's cheer gym.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
today, I am grateful for the beautiful colours in the morning sky and the peaceful feeling I experience when I am able to witness the dawn; for a busy day; for being able to share Jenn's excitement about her race results; for giggly phone conversations with my mother-in-law; and for getting my things ready for tomorrow early so I could grab an hour to just sit. that's rare - and it felt good.
Monday, May 14, 2012
today, I am grateful that I got to take Reese to kindergarten; for Celeste; for my manager working with me and being understanding; for D for relaying a difficult message; for my nephew, Wesley, sharing a common goal and passion.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
today, I am grateful for being spoiled by my children and my husband; for my own mama; for the women that have stepped in and tried to help provide that mama guidance in the absence of my own mama; for my children; and for D standing up for me.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
grateful for a beautiful day; for a good long run with team; for precious memories of my daddy singing the mermaid song; for a recovery nap; for a lazy afternoon of movie watching.
Friday, May 11, 2012
grateful for a full day; that D took the day off to spend with me; that he is such a good daddy and takes the opportunity to do special things like drive Reese to kindergarten; that we were able to go, as a family, and meet Vicki and her family and enjoy a wonderful lunch and time together; that I had a good workout followed by a humongo cheat meal that will fuel my long run tomorrow. life is good.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
grateful to witness a beautiful sunrise; for a perfectly gorgeous day; for a safety luncheon provided by work; for Mak watching Reese and for the opportunity to participate in a silent auction and wine tasting to raise $ for LLS and TNT.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
today, I am grateful for a man that supports me in my endeavors to be healthy; I'm grateful that that support also includes choosing yogurt and strawberries over chocolate cake and making the effort to exercise; I'm grateful that my Mak confides in me; that she has a tender, compassionate heart. and that Reese has a similar, yet very different personality as her sister. I am so blessed.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
grateful today for good news for my sister; for a hard workout; for a massage; for gpa for picking up Reese and taking care of her when she wasn't feeling good; for my big girl, Mak.
Monday, May 7, 2012
today, I am grateful to be part of my (FL) family's life even if from a distance; that my nephew shares his excitement about physical goals reached (he's lost weight and he runs a super-fast mile, in my opinion) with me via text - I love my boy! for strength; for my children; and for a good run practice with a PR for my mile.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
grateful today to be able to run Bloomsday; for a better finish than last year; for the opportunity to circle back and find D so I could cross the finish line with him; that we had a safe drive home; and that my girls are back safe and sound. I missed them this weekend!
Saturday, May 5, 2012
grateful today that even though I registered for Bloomsday in February and the Bloomsday people didn't have our registration, that the lady didn't make us pay a late fee and we were able to register to run tomorrow; for shopping; good food; hot tubbing even though it was awkward bc of the large booty that landed in my lap a couple times (yikes!); and for laughter. it's been a good day.
Friday, May 4, 2012
today, I am glad that Isabella is ok; that I was able to take a half day off work; for cloud watching and the beautiful, positive messages I feel I get from heaven; for a safe drive and for new traditions.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
today, I am grateful for D; for Tracey; for Chrissy; for Charlie; for Katie; for Angie; for Ally; for Tawny; for Pam; and for Jenna's brother "making cancer his b*+ch!". that's more than 5 today. and very warranted.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
today, I am grateful that I woke up; that my heart beats strong; that I have purpose; that I have passion and that I have commitment.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
today, I am grateful that I live a healthy lifestyle; that I make conscious choices to work out and eat healthy and those choices have had a positive affect on my children, my family and my friends, even when I don't realize it. I am grateful for co-workers that care about me and cluck like mother hens when they think I'm trying to do too much; I'm grateful for amazing shape changes occurring in my body (thanks to the expertise of my trainer - she really is bomb!) and I'm grateful that my hard work is being noticed!
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