Saturday, March 31, 2012


today, I am grateful to the person that filled in for me at the Badger Mountain Challenge aid station so I could enjoy the day with D; for a safe drive back; for my mother-in-law; for cheat meals and lessons learned; and for a group of like-minded girlfriends focused on fitness and clean eating, located all across the U.S. and in Canada - you ladies rock! :)

Friday, March 30, 2012


today, I am grateful for surprises; an amazing dinner; a stay at a fabulous hotel; beautiful roses; and a man that loves me enough to indulge and spoil me. I'm a lucky girl.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


today, I am grateful for compassion, empathy, peace, strength and love.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


grateful for being able to stay home today and nurse my aching head; for my friend Michelle asking me the date of the marathon I'm training for...which in turn made me realize that I didn't have lodging for the night before the race..ack! that I was taught to keep my word and as a result, I have the opportunity to be available to a friend that is facing one of the most challenging situations she's ever faced to date; for my sweet Makayla and Reese; and for my mama, for teaching me about Jesus, faith and how to pray. I miss you, mama.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


today, I am grateful for opportunity; for new friends in my circle that believe in raising $ for a cause and support me in my endeavors; for my children; for feedback and compliments on my children's behaviour; and for feedback with regards to my work ethic and ability.

Monday, March 26, 2012


today, I'm grateful for an extra hour of sleep before having to start my
morning; for the drive with Mak to and from school; for Mak's ability to talk with and reason with Reese in ways that D and I can't; for Reese reading me a bedtime story and for a little girl named Natalie, that impacted my life through her courage, determination and strength.

Sunday, March 25, 2012


today, I am grateful for feedback from Mak's coach about what a good girl Mak is and how glad she is that Mak is on her team; for frank and candid answers from Reese (me: Reese, why do you take such big bites? Reese, shrugging her shoulders: because this is a big hot dog. bwahaha!); for a safe trip over the pass and back, even though it was a long day; for the day spent with my fam; and for an awesome, 1st place win to end the season - so proud of the senior level 3 cheerleaders :)

Saturday, March 24, 2012


today I am grateful to start my day with a run; for returning to hot yoga; for a nap with Reese (although it was a fail); for mil doing my hair and for D making a delicious dinner.

Friday, March 23, 2012


grateful today for laughter; for my friend, Tracey; for self-reflection; for dinner out with my family and for texting with my daddy.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


today, I am grateful for gifts like instinct; that I listen to that gift - and the gift of fear - and am not afraid to raise concerns; for beginning my day with yoga followed by a good workout this afternoon; for being nominated to be part of a product marketing group for a running apparatus; and the opportunity to donate a basket for a silent auction that is being held to raise $$ for cancer research.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


grateful for a rest day from working out so my body can recover; for chats with friends that makes me laugh out loud; for Mak's blunt honesty; for Reese insisting I share her umbrella so I wouldn't get wet running to the car in the rain (so I had to do an awkward duck walk lol); and for precious memories than can never be erased.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


grateful to start the day with hot yoga - what an amazing class...I've forgotten how much I've missed it! for a flexible work schedule; for co-workers that love me; for being able to catch a 45 minute snooze this afternoon; for getting my hair cut :)

Monday, March 19, 2012


grateful today for co-workers that covered for me while I was away; for being missed; for Reese being kind and another adult complimenting her manners; for being able to pamper myself; and for setting a personal best on my 5k.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


grateful today for sleeping in; technology; naps; staying in my jammies all day; and idk.

Saturday, March 17, 2012


grateful that Mak is so kind and so patient with her sister; that my girls were complimented on their manners; that my sister always understands and is here for me; that we had experienced pilots that got us safely thru the turbulence; and that I'm one day closer to my next visit home. 

Friday, March 16, 2012


today, I am grateful that my daughters were able to spend some quality time with papa, Aunt Lavonne and Katie at the park and having ice cream; for a quick visit to Tallahassee; for an amazing familial bond that neither time nor distance can hamper and only makes stronger - for me and for my children; for quiet time at my mama's grave site; and for my sweet daddy - I love you to the moon and back.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


today, I am grateful for a day to relax since we've been going non-stop since we got here; that I got the chance to watch Wesley play baseball; that we were able to treat him to dinner after the game; for conversations with my daddy; and the sweet sounds of my girls saying "I love you, sissy" followed by "I love you too".

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


grateful to wake up this morning at my daddy's house - to the sounds of the country. I love it here. grateful that my dad's brothers and sister came to have lunch with us today, and for Linda preparing such a tasty meal for us - it was delicious! grateful to be able to visit with Katie, Coye, Wesley, Rob and Dawn today - it was so awesome to be able to see childhood friends and reconnect. grateful for the slow, difficult run today in the thick humidity and the rain with thunder rolling - life really is different here. peaceful. have I mentioned that I love it here?

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


grateful today that Aunt Katie saved the day and took Mak to the beach; that Reese and I had a safe drive from Orlando to Monticello; that Reese is enamoured with her papa - and he with her; that I had a good, albeit fast, visit with Uncle Bug, Uncle Howard and Aunt Lavonne, along with a phone call from Uncle Wayne to check to see if we made it safely; and finally, I am grateful for an amazing run in the Florida "humility" as my dad calls it...and it's not that bad out yet! but it's totally different running here than in WA. I love it here.

Monday, March 12, 2012


grateful that my girls missed each other and showered each other with love; that I was able to witness the sheer wonder on Reese's face as she met the various Disney characters; that I was able to experience Space Mountain with Mak; that I didn't pee my pants from having drank so much water and no access to a bathroom for over 2 hours while we waited to ride...and I really had to go! and that we were able to create fun, family memories today :)

Sunday, March 11, 2012


grateful that the fire alarm that woke us up this morning was a false alarm; grateful to be able to sit down at the same table for a meal with Gernett, Chrissy, Leigha and Jenna before they headed back to Tallahassee; grateful that Katie, Coye and Drew were able to meet us at day 2 of the cheer competition and they were able to be there with us for Mak; grateful that Reese has been such a patient, good girl waiting for her visit with the princesses and Magic Kingdom; grateful that my Mak is back in her rightful place with us, safe and sound. I missed her!

Saturday, March 10, 2012


grateful today that Reese wakes up happy - especially after jet lag and lack of sleep; for the opportunity to watch Mak and her team compete; for the sheer wonder and awe on Reese's
face as she experienced seeing Ariel and Phineus and Ferb; that D loves me and tries to protect me from hurt; and that I have friends that love me enough to tell me to stop being so stubborn and talk me out of my funk. <3 you, T.

Friday, March 9, 2012


grateful that D made it safely; that Kelli, Mav and Layla came and spent the day with us; that Katie, Coye and Drew arrived safely; that Gernett, Chrissy, Leigha and Jenna also made the effort and the trip down to catch some time with us too - I so appreciate those folks in my life that make the time and effort to show me that I'm important to them - and I'm grateful that we were able to see Mak tonight, shower her with hugs and kisses and have her exhibit grace and kindness and big smiles. I am SO PROUD to be her mom!

Thursday, March 8, 2012


grateful that even though Mak wants so badly to be grown, she exhibits age appropriate behaviour - like needing a stuffed animal to fall asleep with; that she relates to Reese in ways that I can't; that Reese absolutely adores Mak and tries to be just like her; that we are able to provide Mak with these exciting opportunities; and that D, my sister and my kister will be joining us tomorrow :)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


grateful today that I got to go in to work a little late and I left a lot early; that Mak was kind and thought of her sister today when she went to the library; that check-in was smooth; that we had safe flights; and that we finally made it to our hotel :)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


grateful for hard workouts that keep me sane; that D was finished with work "early" and was able to run a few errands for me; that I had an extremely busy day and got everything done that I needed to get done so that I can go enjoy my trip; that Reese was nominated for a "Bear pride" award; and that tomorrow is the start of our vaca woot!

Monday, March 5, 2012


grateful to be able to run in the wind - because it means I'm capable and strong; grateful that one of the hats I wear is that of taxi driver - because it means that my kids are involved in activities they enjoy; grateful to be able to donate my time, energy and products to a cause I believe in - because it means I'm helping to raise $$ to fund a cure for cancer; grateful that folks think I'm an inspiration for them to lead healthy and happy lives - must be doing something right; grateful for my sensitivity, empathetic heart and country roots. 

Sunday, March 4, 2012


grateful today for the sun shining and a beautiful day; for Mak and Reese mostly getting their chores done; that I had some time at home to start getting things ready for our trip; for my sweet Reese and the kind things she says (mama, you're the best!) and that D had a good boondoggle weekend where he did learn coaching tips too and made it safely home.

Saturday, March 3, 2012


today, I am grateful for a good run with team - been a while since I've run that far and it was tough but worth it; for the privilege of being able to witness my beautiful friend Courtney begin her happily ever after with Jake; for the kind compliments received about Mak and Reese - they are kind, sweet, adorable, beautiful young ladies; for Reese's beautiful smile and her laughter; and for an afternoon and movie night with my loves.

Friday, March 2, 2012


grateful today for a day "off"; for a good meeting to kickstart fundraising for my run events; that my friend, Cody, made time in her busy schedule to see me before she transferred; for the opportunity to experience new things; that gma and gpa help with watching Reese and getting Mak to cheer practice so I can run.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


grateful today that Reese was able to open up and let me in on what's going on at school; for friends that reinforce that I am a good mom; for laughter; that Mak seems to be doing better; for Natalie - that she touched so many people in her short time here and she continues to be an inspiration.