Wednesday, February 29, 2012


grateful for friends that take the time to acknowledge friendship and say thank you for being you - that's probably the highest compliment ever; that Mak doesn't have strep; for girl time with Mak and Reese; to be able to listen to Reese read; and for D helping to straighten the house.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


grateful today for a hard workout; for more good results...decreased body fat and increased lean mass whoop whoop! for Reese, her humour and laughter; for D that he is so proud of his kids students, athletes) and their accomplishments; and for Mak and her kindness and heart.

Monday, February 27, 2012


grateful today for a busy work day; for the conversation going on outside my bedroom door between Mak and Reese - and the laughter that accompanied it; that D finished making dinner so I could go to run practice; that I had a good run and my teammates know how to make a girl feel good with their sweet compliments; and that as I was running, I heard a message from Heaven that said "thanks for running for me. thanks for giving me a voice." sure do believe in angels.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


grateful today that I didn't have to leave my house; that D went and picked up the items needed for food prep this week; that he helped me get everything ready for the week so I didn't have to stay in the kitchen for forever; for a nap with Reese; and for hugs and loves from Mak - feels rare that she seeks me out for loves, so I treasure those moments.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

2/24/2012 and 2/25/2012

2/24: grateful for a short workday; payday; closing two pampered chef parties to earn more $$ for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society; finding a potential new running partner; and that it's the weekend :)

2/25: grateful that we were able to ride the bus to Salem today instead of driving; that we had a safe trip there and back; that the team did well and gained experience before nationals; that gma, gpa and gma Jan were able to be there to watch Mak; and that our fence didn't blow in as a result of the wind which meant that Cassie and Isabella were safe and sound when we got home.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


grateful that my posts of gratitude inspire others, or at least make them think; for my circle of like-minded sisters and friends that make me smile just at the sight of their names; that out of the blue, my sister sends me a text to tell me she loves me; for the awesome compliment from my trainer; and for an early night. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


today, I am grateful that I have the ability to take chances; for where some of those chances have taken me; for my Sadie kitty and other two fur babies; for the strength of my body to carry me for long distances as I run; and for the ability to make a difference. I am blessed.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


grateful today for experience that has made me who I am; for being able to stay in touch with friends from home; that Reese was such a good girl at the meeting tonight; that she is smart and inquisitive; and that I had the opportunity to donate blood to the Red Cross and hopefully help someone.

Monday, February 20, 2012


grateful today for an extra day off work; for a massage; for D listening and working to get the laundry washed, dried, folded and put away while I ran errands and got groceries; for new recipes and for run practice with team.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


grateful today because I am. because I respond to a mouthy, unappreciative pre-teen totally differently than sometimes I would like to. because I'm human and I get frustrated and angry. because I love with every fiber of my being. and because my children, even when I am at the point I am at right now, are my heart and I am so grateful for them. period.

Saturday, February 18, 2012


grateful today for a good run with the Spokane team; for hot tub and pool time with my loves; for a full afternoon of shopping; for dinner with friends; and for bedtime. this girl is whooped!

Friday, February 17, 2012


grateful today for technology that keeps me in touch with friends and family back home; for time with my baby girl; for nap time; for my friend, Janet, for having me come pamper her home and a good show; and for a weekend road trip with the fam and one of Mak's friends.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


grateful today for morning conversations with Reese - the things she says makes me laugh; that she's excited to spend tomorrow with me; that Mak's ankle isn't broken; that she's as excited as I am about going to Florida and that we are ONE DAY CLOSER to being there - whoop whoop!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


today, I am grateful for the soreness in my body, because it means I've worked hard and changes are happening! I'm grateful for an awesome weigh-in, for pounds and inches lost; that my headache finally subsided; for a simple dinner which was exactly what I needed; and that in 3 weeks, I'll set my feet on FL soil. not counting down or anything.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


grateful today that I can call and ask my back-up for help and she always makes time for me; for a good mid-year performance review; for the reality check from my girlfriend, Jenna, and my sister, Katie, and for the reminder to look for the silver lining; for a good, hard, sweaty workout; for putting together a puzzle with Reese and story time.


grateful today that I can call and ask my back-up for help and she always makes time for me; for a good mid-year performance review; for the reality check from my girlfriend, Jenna, and my sister, Katie, and for the reminder to look for the silver lining; for a good, hard, sweaty workout; for putting together a puzzle with Reese and story time.

Monday, February 13, 2012


grateful today for a wonderful massage; for the opportunity to find out my personality type via the Myers Briggs method (it might surprise you! it did me >_< ); for an awesome workout with team; for D making dinner; for my beautiful daughters.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


today, I am grateful for D and the funny things he says sometimes; for a new routine; that I was able to get food prepped and ready for this week; that the upcoming week is a short work-week; and that my girls do have moments where they are kind and loving to each other.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

2/10/2012 and 2/11/2012

grateful post for Friday, 2/10/2012:
I'm grateful that Reese now says "you know what the best part of my day was?" when I ask how her day was; for the treat of pampering myself with a pedicure; for the opportunity to spend time with friends; for all the sweet comments I received on a photo I posted; and for a comfy, warm bed.

grateful post for Saturday, 2/11/2012:
today, I'm grateful that I drank lots and lots of water last night; for a peaceful run in the rain; for the opportunity to work with team in training; for my children's laughter; and that D is being recognized for his hard work with his wrestling team. I'm so proud of him :)

Thursday, February 9, 2012


today, I am grateful for the opportunity to connect with friends; for a good workout; for the silly things Reese says; that tomorrow is Friday and that my friend's brother received good scan results and he's kicking cancer's booty!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


today, I am grateful to be able to plan trips to connect with family and friends; for a good physical therapy visit; for acquaintances noticing the hard work I've done for my health and the shape of my body; for my metabolism starting to work properly and for the special relationship that Reese and Mak have with their daddy - cause he is a pretty cool guy like that.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


today, I am grateful for opportunity; that my company offers programs focused on employee health and supports a healthy lifestyle; that I am investing in my health, and that of my family, by learning to eat clean; that my children are healthy, normal kids that argue over dumb stuff, like hair elastics but at the end of the day love each other as only siblings can; and that in only one more month, I'll get to see my sister and daddy and have my feet on soil in my home state...not that I'm counting down or anything lol.

Monday, February 6, 2012


today, I am grateful for the start of a brand new week; for texting with my dad; for finding out family history; for a good run with team; and a nice family dinner.

Sunday, February 5, 2012


today I am grateful for the morning with D; for going with the inlaws and getting the grocery shopping done for the week; for D helping get our food prepped and packaged for the week; for my comfy bed; for my family.


today I am grateful for a good first run of the season with the marathon and the tri teams; shopping with my girls; a nap with Reese; Mak's sensibility; and date night with D.

Friday, February 3, 2012


today I am grateful to have had a day to myself; that I got our taxes done and filed; for the massage; and pampering (hair AND nails!); and spending girl time this evening with my sweet Reesie-bottom.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


grateful today that I made it safely to and from work; that I had a pretty productive day at work; that I had a good workout; for the village it takes to raise kids; and for my family.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


grateful today that my eyesight has gotten better over the course of the last year; that I was able to work some more on our taxes and things are looking positive; that Reese makes me smile; that Mak still enjoys her "new" school and cheer and that the countdown is on til I get to put my feet on Florida soil!