Tuesday, January 31, 2012
today, I am grateful for enough food for me and my family; for an abundance of clothing and shoes; for warm water for showers; for a comfortable bed to sleep in; for my family's health.
Monday, January 30, 2012
grateful for having the day off; for a safe drive home; for a nice telephone conversation with my dad; for a nap; for the opportunity to be involved at the gym.
grateful that we were able to take our time getting ready and Mak was able to relax before meeting her team; that Reese was a pretty good girl during the long day; the Mak's team performed another awesome routine; that they placed; and that we didn't have to drive back after awards because things ended very late.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
grateful for a safe drive over the pass; that we were able to get settled with enough time to run and pick up things forgotten; that I've been able to stick to clean eating while away; that D supports me in the clean eating lifestyle :) and that Mak's cheer team did so awesome at their competition - looking forward to day 2!
Saturday, January 28, 2012
fell asleep before posting - grateful for a short work day; that I had the opportunity to talk to people about Team in Training and the Leukemia and Lymphoma society...to hopefully make a difference; that I was finally able to get the cheer bags situated and I can stop dealing with the annoying mom; that I got my car back; and that I fell asleep early.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
today, I'm grateful for laughter; for hugs; that my needs are met - I was thinking earlier how I am so grateful that somehow, we are always able to have the financial means to do the things we want; I'm grateful for my health and that of my family; and I'm grateful that I'm forgiven and one day, I'll see my loved ones in Heaven.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
today, I am grateful to have had a really good day at work; that D was able to take the day to rest and I hope he feels better; for my in-laws for letting Reese come to their house after school; that Mak has a pieced-together uniform for her competition until her uniform comes in; and for my sore muscles - cause it means I worked my body and I'm reclaiming my strength. yeah baby!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
today, I'm grateful that I was able to network with prominent women in the business community; that my manager conducted a negotiation so I could attend; that Reese was able to stay with grandma and grandpa; that I had a great first workout with my trainer and that D's kids had an impressive show at their first match of the season and he and Mak made it home safely.
Monday, January 23, 2012
today I'm grateful I still have a job; for Katie; and Tracey; for Chrissy and Gernett for making a special effort to see us when we are in FL and for D, Mak and Reese.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
tonight, I am grateful for D's help to have most of our meals prepared for the upcoming week; that I'm learning to eat clean, whole, healthy foods instead of processed; that Reese, at 6, still feels comfortable enough to fall asleep in my arms, with her head on my chest...she's certainly not a tiny baby, but still has that peaceful, content, precious look in sleep now as she did when she was first born; for Reese's laughter and that Mak was able to spend the day with her grandma learning how to quilt. love my family.
grateful to be able to watch Mak's team perform today...at home; for being asked to be the endurance coach the senior teams and the opportunity to be involved with Mak's team; for getting the grocery shopping out of the way do we don't have to worry about that later; for family game night and for D and Mak winning :)
Friday, January 20, 2012
today, I am grateful for safety and warmth; for Mak and Reese getting their chores done; for an alternate meal plan to add some variety in food choices; for D for taking the girls to sled and play in the snow and for family game night :)
Thursday, January 19, 2012
today, I am grateful that work was called due to inclement weather; that D understands my fear of driving in snow and ice and humours me by driving me where I need to go; that we don't have to travel to the west side this weekend in yucky weather; that daddy appreciates technology like I hoped he would...poor guy lost his iPhone, was in a bit of a panic and sounded...well, pitiful :( at least until someone called him to report they found it...then he was happy again :) and I'm grateful that Mak feels better.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
today, I am grateful that I'm feeling better; that Mak seems to be on the mend; that I didn't have to drive in the snow; that there are people in my life that are kind and reach out to me to check on me and most of all, I'm reminded that for all the smarty-pants comments and attitude, Mak does really love her mama and wants/needs me. love my big girl.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
today I am grateful that I was able to stay home; for nuun tablets for my water; for my father-in-law for taking Reese to practice and bringing her home; for my nurse sister who drs me from 3000 miles away and for D for bringing me Gatorade and ibuprofen.
Monday, January 16, 2012
today, I am grateful that I can reflect, remember, and savor memories without being overly depressed or sad; I'm grateful for the 30 years I had with my mama; for the things that I learned from her; for the woman I've become, even since her passing. and most importantly, I'm ever so grateful that people see her in me - sometimes, I even catch a glimpse. can't believe it's been 10 years. I love you to heaven, mama - and like you, today...I'm wonderful and can't help it.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
grateful today for my niece for choosing to call me and her uncle rather than make a dumb decision; for Makayla for planning a fun girls night for she and Reese; for food prepped for the week; for my siblings and my daddy; for health.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
grateful that I had the opportunity to once again support the leukemia and lymphoma society by participating in the Nike Women's half marathon; grateful that Judy came out too; that D rode along with us to keep us company; that Mak and Reese picked up the house; and that my girls love each other...even though they don't always show it.
grateful to sing the farmer in the dale and ol McDonald with Reese; for the relationship that daughters have with their daddies; for the amazing man that I call dad; for my sister; for family.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
today, I am grateful that D is such a good daddy - I watched him hugging Reese and talking softly to her to get her to wake up this morning and it made my heart swell. I'm grateful that my management backs their staff; I'm grateful for my officemate who complements me and helps me when I feel overwhelmed. I'm grateful for my two wonderful children. and I'm grateful for a great workout.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
today, I am grateful for the opportunity and privilege of proofing a friend's bio; for being trusted with advanced info so I'm not blind-sided; that Reese was so good while we were out tonight; that Mak seems to really enjoy her new school; and that I got the chance to watch Mak at cheer practice - can't wait for competitions - these girls are GOOD! ps - we'll be in FL so if you can, come watch ;)
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
grateful for being able to be the confidant; a great run; the help of the inlaws; laughter; and all the little things...that make the crazy days tolerable.
Monday, January 9, 2012
today, I am grateful that D complements me - he's sweet and sappy and I'm...not. I'm grateful that he tells me how he feels and that he understands that even though I don't articulate as eloquently, that he knows how I feel in return. I'm grateful that Mak and Reese celebrated their "anniversary" today also; I'm grateful that Reese made us dinner and decorated the dining room especially in our honour; and I'm grateful that 13 years later, we still fight for this institution of marriage...because, after all, the most important things in life aren't easy and are worth fighting for. true story.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
grateful today for snuggle time with D - the back rub and playing with my hair while in that just barely awake, but mostly asleep state - a kind, loving touch; grateful for my inlaws for letting the girls spend the night; grateful for the moments Mak still chooses to confide in me, that she makes good choices...and that she still wants me to do her hair (those days are few and far between); grateful that Reese climbs in my lap to snuggle and watch tv and grateful for my phone call with my daddy.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
today I am grateful for sleeping in; my children; visiting with friends; travel planning and a fun evening with D. life is good.
grateful for being able to meet the bus and lunch with Reese; for the opportunity to meet people to raise awareness and recruit people for TNT; for my friend, Judy's visit at the TNT booth; dinner with my family and movie time with D.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
today, I am grateful for a short work week; for excellent customer service; for the opportunity to raise awareness and $; for listening to Reese read; and for remembering. I never forget.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
today, I'm grateful for mentor-friends...you know, the ladies that may be a little older so they have been there, done that? I'm grateful for surprise friends - the kind of personality that on first meeting you think - there's no way I can be friends with her! and then she turns out to be wonderful. I'm grateful for fil stepping in to pick up Reese so I could go to physical therapy while D was coaching. I'm grateful for the relief I got from therapy. and I'm grateful that I got to drive home while the sun was shining! it was a beautiful day :)
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
today I am grateful for quick reaction times; for the medical staff caring for my uncle; for a benign pathology report; for "date night" on a school night and for my loves.
Monday, January 2, 2012
grateful for a lazy day; for sleeping in; for a family trip to the nail salon and pretty fingers and toes; for D treating us to lunch; for the opportunity to watch Mak practice.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
grateful today for the beginning of a new year; for black-eyes peas, rice, collards and mustards, ham and cornbread (yumm-o!!); for a clean house; for my daddy's wisdom and for snuggle time with Reese.
as I reflect on 2011, I am grateful for so many things - the health of my family, continuous employment for me and D, a safe home, food on the table, amazing daughters. highlights of 2011: I am grateful that I was able to visit with Dena, a wonderful lady that I've called "friend" since I was 8 years old and have not seen in probably 20 years. I'm grateful to have been able to be home for Melinda and Melissa's 40th birthday masquerade ball and for my sister, Katie's wedding. I'm grateful to have been able to spend time with my precious daddy and for bringing him kicking and screaming into the 21st century with the gift of the iPhone and video chat so that he's able to connect with Mak and Reese. I am grateful for an awesome "unbirthday" party, where we rented a huge water slide and celebrated mine, Mak's and Reese's birthdays in the summer. and I'm grateful that while my contribution may be small, I joined Team in Training, raised awareness, met fabulous people all working towards the goal to find a cure for blood cancers - and as a result of joining Team, I was able to complete 2 half marathons and knock one item off my bucket list. and I did it in memory of Natalie and Ms. Ruth and in honour of mama Mares and Jayce. in addition, I gained the support of my family and friends and I've quietly inspired others to lace up their shoes. and that is an amazing feeling. thank you all for being part of my life. here's to a joyous, healthy, prosperous, AMAZING 2012!
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