Saturday, December 31, 2011


late with this bc I fell asleep! grateful that I made it all day at work on 2 hours of sleep; for potato soup; for quiet time; for health; for sleep.

Thursday, December 29, 2011


grateful to wake up to a message from my cousin that made me feel really good; grateful that even though I don't always realize it, my actions do have a positive impact on others; grateful for concerned friends and family that have reached out to check on me today; grateful for a good dr visit; grateful for messages from Heaven.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


grateful for being able to work part of the day and for being home the rest; for an understanding manager; for wet wipes; for T for holding my hand from 3000 miles away; for time to read.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


today, I am grateful for an unseasonably warm winter day; for a humongo sandwich for lunch so I'm not starving tonight; for D for going to the store to get things I needed; that the girls are able to spend time with their teammates; and that I do have a select few people in my life that I feel like I can count on. I'm finding those people to be few and far between. guess I'm cynical today. that's ok. I'm grateful for that too.

Monday, December 26, 2011


grateful to be able to run as many miles as I did; grateful for playing play-doh with Reese; grateful for a good conversation with my dad; grateful for time to read my book; grateful for MIL doing my hair.

Sunday, December 25, 2011


today, I am grateful that I was able to watch the joyous expressions on Makayla's and Reese's faces as they opened their presents; I am grateful that I was able to share pictures with my daddy and my sister so they were able to be a part of our Christmas; I am grateful to be able to text with my nephew, Drew; I am grateful for traditions that hopefully one day, my children will also share with their children and most importantly, I am grateful for my mama teaching me about Jesus, the true meaning of Christmas.


today I am grateful for having the day to prepare for Christmas festivities and that most of my cooking is done; for a good visit with my niece and brother-in-law; for Reese's excitement about Santa's visit; for being able to watch the beautiful dancing lights; and for being able to celebrate the birthday of Jesus

Saturday, December 24, 2011


today, I am grateful for the funny things Reese says that sometimes makes even grandma blush; for an intuitive and in tune massage therapist that shares really cool metaphysical tools with me; for another low key movie night with D; for baking and frosting sugar cookies with Mak and Reese and for a late night grocery store run so we can avoid the last minute grocery shoppers tomorrow. Merry Christmas Eve Eve :)

Thursday, December 22, 2011


grateful today for sleeping in; lunch with the inlaws; a short nap with Reese; a good run and spending the evening watching a movie with D and emailing with my wonderful friend, Tracey.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


today, I am grateful for the start of 5 days off work to celebrate the birth of Jesus and spend time with my family; I'm grateful for being able to meet my family for lunch which is a rare treat; grateful for the beautiful blue sky and the sun shining which isn't quite normal in December; grateful for a better, faster run today than the last time I ran and grateful that I get to veg, watch a movie, catch up on what's on the dvr, while sitting with D on the couch...which is another rare event. I might need to go play the lotto with all this rare stuff happenin!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


today, I'm grateful that more people than I realize read my posts and when I miss, or am late, like yesterday, it's noticed and I get checked on. I'm grateful that I was raised in the South; I'm grateful that I have an aggressive, yet tactful, personality that allows me to do well in my job; I am grateful for my sweet Reese who says "I love you, mama. does that fill your bucket?" (what a wise one she is!!) and I'm grateful for memories, angels and whispers from my mama. cause she's with me - even though I can't see her. I feel her. and that has to be good enough for now.


grateful for coffee time with a girlfriend, alternative healing therapies to help my sore body; helpful co-workers, an amazing manager and my family...most importantly - and in no particular order...Mak, Reese, D, dad, Katie...

Sunday, December 18, 2011


today, I'm grateful that I was able to sleep in; for a 7 mile run; for D and the girls for cleaning the house; for spending time with MIL and that we didn't wait until the 11th hour to wrap presents cause it's taking a lil time to get these babies wrapped!

Saturday, December 17, 2011


today, I am grateful for girl time with my niece; shopping with MIL; a nap; dinner with the fam and for celebrating another birthday for D.

Friday, December 16, 2011


today, I'm grateful that my heart is beating, that I'm breathing, that I'm healthy, that I have the means to stay warm and fed and that I got to spend my evening with my sweet Reese.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


today, I'm grateful that only a little bit of snow fell and the roadways were clear for the drive to work; that the workday went by fairly quickly; that Reese was able to be seen today by the nurse practitioner; that Mak's grades have drastically improved; and that I had the realization that I have my mama's hands - because I have a piece of her with me always.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


today, grateful that I finally found a little focus and got some things done at work; grateful my company recognizes the contributions and hard work by its staff and rewards us accordingly. I'm grateful for my daddy. and my friend Jenna, for reaching out to me. and shopping time with Reese.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


today, I am grateful to be able to catch up with friends - I truly believe you - yes, you! are in my life for a reason. I believe that we learn from, and teach, each other; I believe we share experiences that help each other see things a different way. and when friendships have served their purpose and either become distant, or end, I believe there is a lesson in that as well. and I'm grateful. for all of it. you see, we ALL have a story. it's just a matter of how we choose to see that story played out. my mama was a firm believer in speaking positively - she wouldn't allow negativity to be spoken around her. I didn't understand then, but let me tell ya, I get it! I am grateful for those lessons that mama taught me. so, I try to speak positively and claim good things for my family, my friends, the people I care about, and me. this post is a bit different from my typical 5 things - and that's ok. I have a full, grateful heart - for how truly blessed I am and for the abundance of wonderful people in my life, near and far, that mean so much to me and play a role in my story.

Monday, December 12, 2011


today, I'm grateful that I realize that I can be so unbelievably angry at my children but also know beyond the shadow of a doubt that I'd take a bullet for them - I love them that much. I'm grateful for Reese for seeing a little blood from a cut on my thumb and in her no nonsense way, bandaging it for me and kissing it better. I'm grateful that super long choir concerts don't happen every night. and I'm grateful that I was able to watch Mak perform. Finally, I am grateful for my parents - that they loved me enough to teach me ethic, value, kindness, compassion and love. I miss my mama somethin fierce.

Sunday, December 11, 2011


today, I'm grateful that I made it home without screaming after being asked repeatedly "mommy, can I get something?"; for a nap; for the Christmas tree; for Southern comfort food; for Reese's laugh.

Saturday, December 10, 2011


today, I am grateful for my little gymnast, Reese, that she had such a good time and did good at her first meet; for lunch with the family and gma and gpa at Olive Garden; for shopping with gma and Mak; for indulging and getting my nails done; and for freshly baked cookies.

Friday, December 9, 2011


today, I'm grateful for the opportunity to volunteer in D's classroom; for a fabulous massage; for playing hookie; for movie time; and for the sweet words...I love ya, mama.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


today, I'm grateful for the Scoundrelbottom family: Scroogeymonster, Miserlywhiner and Grimfrown; for progress forward finally - the visit to the PT was good; for the quiet day at work; for the opportunity to pamper my friend's mom's kitchen; and for yummy food.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


today, I'm grateful my office mate has a sense of humour; for the yummy treats that I ate way too much of; for my family; for my pets and for my warm bed.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


today, I'm grateful for secret Santa; for new info I'm learning in my nutrition class; for upcoming work; for Mak and Reese's coach; for snuggle time with my baby girl.

Monday, December 5, 2011


today, I'm grateful for a little stuffed doggie with a purple bow on its tail - bc Reese decided it needed some accessorizing! that Mak had a good first day at her new school; that D is so excited that she's in his class; that we have warm clothing and shelter; and that we were able to sit down to dinner tonight, together.

Sunday, December 4, 2011


today, I am grateful for sleeping in; for D going to pick up my car; for French braiding Reese and Mak's hair; for polishing Reese's nails; and for the fabulous vendor party where I won a Norwex make-up remover cloth and got a lot of leads for my business. yay!

Saturday, December 3, 2011


today, I'm grateful for being able to spend the day with my children; for simple pleasures; for an afternoon nap, followed by a slow run; for dinner with D; and for a night out with girlfriends.

Friday, December 2, 2011


today, I'm grateful for health: the heath of my children, my spouse, my siblings, my dad, mine. I'm grateful for awareness, taught to me by a precious warrior princess; for ability - to be compassionate and to be steadfast in the causes I believe in. I'm grateful for intuition. and I'm grateful for Jesus, that He sacrificed for me so that one day, I'll see my mama, my Granny and sweet Natalie again in Heaven.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


today, I am grateful for Reese! I'm grateful for her kind heart; for her quick wit; for her athleticism; for her independent spirit; for her sensitivity, her compassion, her grace and her love. I sure am a blessed mommy to have such an amazing daughter! Happy birthday, my sweet.